Friday, April 24, 2009


One of my favorite quotes comes from a book titled ‘Startide Rising’ by David Brin. The book is Sci-Fi (stay with me), and is set in a shipboard environment with military/ civilian interaction, sort of like this mission.

Ok, it’s also set in space with evolved dolphin military officers, killer spiders, etc. but I digress…

One of the junior officers (a human) is feeling overwhelmed by his work, and his senior mentor (a dolphin…yes I am a dork but stay with me on this) reminds him of his role, his job. The quote, “Duty, duty, brave shark-biter, what reward could taste sweeter?”

Keep in mind, in the wild dolphins have been known to attack sharks when the pod is threatened, their instinctive ‘duty’ in a way. Sometimes they win; sometimes they end up as food…

The point of this blather is that duty can be difficult (especially in a military environment), but duty is its own reward. Sometimes you have to stand up and be counted, support your people, your shipmates, when you know the repercussions will be unfavorable. But support you must, because it’s your duty, and duty is its own reward. And when that person, whom you supported when most other folks have given up on, turns it around and comes out swinging, shows the other folks up…damn. That’s the stuff.

Military life is not easy, even on this little jaunt we’re on. It’s a lot worse in other, sandier places. But this career has its own unique rewards. And duty, performed well, is one of the best.

Thus endeth the lesson…now somebody do your duty and go have a beer for me.


  1. "Startide Rising", certainly high on my list of favorite SF books (I think a couple by Welles just barely edge it out of #1). I've starting into my 6 month tour of duty with ISS; no where near the same as your's, I admit. When the post-increment fun starts, I just hope they let me out of the asylum to participate.

  2. Ahh, yes. Duty. The concept is so romantic. Thank you for doing yours. May you be blessed with an abundance of rewards.

    As for me and my house, we have done our duty. It was a "Landshark" lager. I found it went well with your dorky theme. I can't wait to buy one for you in person.
