Back in Texas now, my 6 month tour has come to an end. It’s strange thinking about all that has occurred during that period. At home, a new President, recession, friends with new kids, bad reality shows (oh wait, those have been around a while). In the meantime I’ve crossed the Atlantic (3x by air and once by ship), been to two continents (Europe and Africa) and 11 countries.
So, for you Late Late Show Fans, what did we learn on the show tonight Craig?
Let’s review shall we:
o Sailors don’t always make the best diplomats
o Africa is hot
o Europe rocks
o ‘Hands-on’ charity work is good for the soul, and a ‘Peace Corps with guns’ is an effective delivery mechanism
o Don’t take salad, milk, water, showers that last longer than 1 minute, or the ability to do laundry for granted, especially on a ship...
o The US needs to get serious and develop alternatives to an oil-based economy, in a big damn hurry. I felt this to a point before, but am convinced now. Especially after seeing what this ‘dead dinosaur residue’ has done to some African countries…and what it’s doing to ours.
o Some countries in Africa are functioning republic/democracies, but many are not.
o Africa has a lot of corruption issues, but most Africans I met are good folk.
o Some of the best Naval officers I’ve had the pleasure to work with are African, and European, and especially from Her Majesties Royal Navy (I still owe you that ‘Victory at Yorktown’ book CDR…lol)
o Always trust the French Commander to find the best restaurant
o The USMC has its act together, and some are insane. I’m glad you guys are on our side
o US Army folks don’t like being on USN ships (but you guys did good!)
o It’s cool to be a Conning Officer on a US Navy warship in wartime, or whatever we’re in now.
o Italy has great food, vino, and lots of really old buildings…
o “My friend, my friend”…(inside joke from Senegal)
o State Department folks in Nigeria don’t get paid enough
o Cameroon has some serious scenery
o Funchal!!!
o I still love the ocean, especially on a clear night.
o I dig being a reserve officer
I went looking for answers on this trip. Found a few, and came away with more questions. But that’s OK, the journey really is more important than the destination. Sometimes it’s better to not have a master plan.
I’ve met a lot of great folks on this trip. Some I’ll remember forever, and some I’ll try really hard to forget. But for the former, especially all the squids (staff and crew), jarheads, ditch-diggers, wing-wipers, coasties, state department weenies, Vikings, Euros, Africans and our crazy Brazilian, thanks for the ride.
That’s about it. Thanks also to you guys for coming along on this trip with me, in a virtual sense. Who knows, there could be another, just probably not as long.
Fair Winds…
Thanks for sharing! I'm happy that you're home, although obviously not as much as your family is. Thanks for serving, db